Sol Moure
Posted OnJanuary 2, 2021 byshe/her Sol leads the Western Pennsylvania team in making nutritious foods more accessible and affordable to everyone through incentive programs like Food Bucks and Food Bucks Rx, and coordinating partnerships in the retail, grass roots, health care and nonprofit areas. She has her master’s degree in Sustainable Development Practice. Snacking on: peanut butter (on anything,…Read More…
Juan Vila
Posted OnJanuary 1, 2021 byhe/him Juan manages a network of healthy retail locations that offer Food Bucks nutrition incentives in San Jose, CA. He also provides technical assistance to corner store programs nationally and helps to manage the GusNIP Nutrition Incentive Hub Corner Store Community of Practice. Snacking on: Pistachios Currently hiking: Regional Redwood Park Best local restaurant: Champa…Read More…