Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative

A statewide public-private financing program administered by The Food Trust, PAFFFI helps business owners open or expand healthy grocery outlets in communities throughout the commonwealth.

Overseen by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), the PA FFFI is administered by The Food Trust in partnership with Pennsylvania-based community development financial institutions (CDFIs).

The program provides one-time grants and loans to nonprofit, for-profit and cooperative food businesses that help increase access to healthy, affordable food and improve economic opportunities for low- to moderate-income residents of urban, suburban and rural areas of Pennsylvania. Most projects qualify for up to $50,000 in funding, and high-impact projects can qualify for up to $150,000.


The application process is currently closed, but to learn more about program objectives, types of projects we fund, eligible uses of funds, requirements and projects we prioritize, visit our Eligibility Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions. Next, answer a few simple questions to see if you qualify:

If you answered yes to all of the above, you may be eligible for funding! Please note, funding is contingent on the availability of funds at the time of approval. Fill out the form below to stay in touch and receive application information.

Questions? Please email


Please be aware that two separate programs share the name Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative. The Food Trust’s PA Fresh Food Financing Initiative (PA FFFI) is a distinct program, separate from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s PA Fresh Food Financing Initiative.

This page is for The Food Trust’s PA FFFI.

The Food Trust’s (TFT) PA FFFI: originally launched in 2004 and recapitalized in 2018 by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), this program focuses on enhancing healthy food access and promoting equitable economic development by providing grants and loans to food retailers in communities across Pennsylvania. To learn more about TFT and our Healthy Food Financing Initiatives, please explore this website.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s PA Fresh Food Financing Initiative: Initially funded during the COVID-19 pandemic and relaunched in 2024 with a $4 million investment, this program aims to strengthen local food systems and increase market opportunities for Pennsylvania farmers. It provides grants to businesses working to expand access to fresh food across the state. For details, visit their website here.

While both initiatives share similar goals, they are independently managed and have distinct eligibility criteria, application processes, funding sources, and deadlines. If you have any questions or need assistance determining which program suits your needs, please contact us at

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